OOR Cabs

OOR Cabs Privacy Policy


  • This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we (OOR Cabs) collect via app, website and WhatsApp, why we collect it, how you can update your information and the measures that we take to keep safe of your data. When you use our services, you’re trusting us with your information. We understand that this is a big responsibility and we work hard to protect your information and put you in control. 

We know it’s tempting to skip these Terms of Service or Privacy Policy, but it’s important for you to understand what sort of your data is going to be shared with OOR with your consent. The Privacy Policy is applicable to all means through which OOR or its authorised agents collect data to complete a service that you may need.

This notice specifically applies to:
Riders: individuals who request or receive transportation, including those who receive transportation requested by another individual
Drivers: individuals who provide transportation to Riders individually or through partner transportation companies

TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY. Please review the following carefully so that you understand our privacy practices. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, do not accept the Customer Terms and Conditions or use our Services. This Privacy Policy is incorporated by reference into the Customer Terms and Conditions. If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through email address provided on our website and/ or Mobile Applicati


Unless otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, the terms capitalized in the Privacy Policy shall have the meaning as provided hereunder: 

“Device” shall mean computer, mobile or other device used to access the Services.
1. “We” / “Us” / “Company” / “OOR” shall mean OOR Cabs Private limited

2. “You” shall mean the driver or rider whoever joins OOR platform to receive or offer service.

3.“OOR App” means OOR Cabs app or OOR Driver app.


The following personal data is collected by or on behalf of OOR Cabs.

1. User Profile information – This includes details like Name, email, Mobile number, Gender, Profile Picture, User identification proof, licence (in case of drivers), emergency contact information, Police verification certificate, Vehicle insurance (in case of drivers adding a vehicle with their profile). During referral programs, we collect the personal details of another person through an existing user of OOR.

2. Location information – Through the GPS attached with the device through which the user accesses our service, we collect location information of user (rides, drivers, delivery agents) to offer and track their service.

3.OOR Driver app collects location data to enable a cab to show its location to the customer who would search for a ride.

4.OOR Cabs app collects location data of the user so that the cab can arrive at the given location to pick the user for a ride.

5.OOR Driver app collects location data to enable a cab to show is current location so that the cab be considered for a customer ride. The location data is collected even when the app is closed or not in use until the user logs out.

6. Transaction information: We collect transaction information related to the use of our services, including the type of services requested or provided, order details, payment transaction information delivery information, date and time the service was provided, amount charged, distance travelled, and payment method. Additionally, if someone uses your promotion code, we may
associate your name with that person.

7. Usage data: We collect data about how users interact with our services. This includes data such as access dates and times, app features or pages viewed, app crashes and other system activity, and type of browser. We may also collect data regarding the third-party sites or services used before interacting with our services, which we use for marketing. (Please see "How We Use
Data below for more information on how we market our services to users).

8. Device data: We may collect data about the devices used to access our services, including the hardware models, device IP address or other unique device identifiers, operating systems and versions, software, preferred languages, advertising identifiers, device motion data, and mobile
network data.

9.OOR Driver apps collect location data to show the exact location of the taxi to the customer while waiting or while on ride. The location data is collected when the app is running in background, foreground or even when the app is closed until the user has not logged out from session. This location data is used to check the availability of taxi when a rider needs it.

10. Communications data: We enable drivers and riders, and delivery persons and delivery recipients, to call, text, or send other files to each other. To provide this service, OOR receives some data regarding the calls, texts, or other communications, including the date and time of the communications and the content of the communications. OOR may also use this data for customer
support services (including to resolve disputes between users), for safety and security purposes, to improve our services and features, and for analytics. When would OOR disclose your personal information to other third parties / agents? We do not sell, share, rent or trade the information we have collected about you, other than as disclosed within this Privacy Policy or at the time you provide your information. Following are the situations when information may be shared with any third party / OOR agent or government agency.
1. To a third party, who is engaged to execute the service that you requested
2. To offer you a service from OOR group or its partner companies
3. Government agencies like law enforcement officials, police department who would need access on personal, device, IP, travel related information as part of their duty

We use your data

I. To provide our services

OOR uses data to provide, personalize, maintain, and improve our services.
This includes using data to:
1.create/update accounts
2. enable transportation and delivery services (such as using location data to facilitate a pick up or delivery), features that involve data sharing (such as fare splitting, ETA sharing, and ratings and compliments), and other features to facilitate use of our services by those with disabilities
1. process payments
2. track and share the progress of rides or deliveries
3.create travel itineraries and offer related services, such as rides to the airport, rental car reservations, or food deliveries. 
4.facilitate insurance, vehicle, invoicing, or financing solutions
5.perform necessary operations to maintain our services, including to troubleshoot software bugs and operational problems; to conduct data analysis, testing, and research; and to monitor and analyze usage and activity trends.
We perform the above activities, including the collection and use of location data for purposes of these activities, on the grounds that they are necessary to full fill our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or other agreements with users.

II. Safety and security

We use personal data to help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our services and users. This includes:

1.verifying usersidentity and eligibility to provide transportation or deliveries,including through reviews of background checks, where permitted by law, tohelp prevent use of our services by unsafe drivers and/or riders. In certain regions, this includes our Ensure-Your-Identity feature, which prompts drivers and delivery persons to share a selfie before going online to help ensure that the driver or delivery person using the app matches the OOR account we have on file. Where permitted by law, this also includes performing facial verification of photographs submitted by users, or collected from public databases, to prevent identity-borrowing or to verify users’ identities.

2.using data from drivers’ or delivery persons’ devices to detect unsafe driving behavior such as speeding or harsh braking and acceleration, and to inform them of safer driving practices. We also use data from delivery persons’ devices to verify the type of vehicles they used to provide deliveries.

3.using device, location, user profile, usage, and other data to prevent, detect, and combat fraud. This includes identifying fraudulent accounts or uses of our services, preventing use of our services by unauthorized drivers or delivery persons, verifying user identities in connection with certain payment methods, and preventing and combating unauthorized access to users’ accounts.

4.using user ratings, reported incidents, and other feedback to encourage compliance with our guidelines and as grounds for deactivating users with row ratings or who otherwise violated such guidelines in certain countries.

5.sharing information regarding serious driver or delivery person safety incidents or compliance with local regulations with third parties, including other companies who enable users to request or provide rides or delivery services, or intermediaries who collect and report such information for multiple companies, to prevent drivers or delivery persons who may pose a safety risk to the platform or its users from using OOR’s or those other companies’ services. We may also share with third parties, including those affected by such incidents, whether the incidents result in account deactivation.

6.using ratings, usage and other data to prevent matching of riders and drivers for whom there is higher risk of conflict (for instance, because one user previously gave the other a one-star rating). 

7.OOR performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to full fill our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or other agreements with users, and/or for purposes of the legitimate safety and security interests of OOR or other parties, including users and members of the general public.

III. Customer support

OOR uses the information we collect (which may include call recordings) to provide customer support, including to investigate and address user concerns and to monitor and improve our customer support responses and processes.

OOR performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to full fill our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or other agreements with users.

IV. Research and development

We may use personal data for testing, research, analysis, product development, and machine learning to improve the user experience. This helps us make our services more convenient and easy-to-use, enhance the safety and security of our services, and develop new services and features.

V. Enabling communications between users

For example, a driver may message or call a rider to confirm a pickup location, a rider may contact a driver to retrieve a lost item, or a restaurant or delivery person may call a delivery recipient with information about their order.

OOR performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to full fill our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or other agreements with users.

VI. Marketing

OOR may use personal data to market our services to our users. This includes sending users communications about OOR services, features, promotions, sweepstakes, studies, surveys, news, updates, and events. We may do so through various methods, including email, text messages, push notifications, in app communications and ads, and ads on third party platforms.

We may also inform users about products and services offered by OOR partners. For example, we may provide recommendations, promotions, or ads for OOR partners based on users’ past orders. Although we inform users about products and services offered by OOR partners, we do not sell users’ personal data to, or share it with, such partners or others for purposes of their own direct marketing or advertising, except with users’ consent.

We may use the data we collect, including in combination with advertising partners’ data, to personalize and improve the marketing communications (including ads) that we send on and off OOR’s apps and websites, including based on user location, use of OOR’s services, and user preferences and settings. For example, we share user data (such as hashed email address, usage information, and device or user identifiers) with Facebook to personalize and improve our ads for OOR’s services.

We may also send users communications regarding elections, ballots, referenda, and other political and notice processes that relate to our services. For example, OOR has notified some users by email of ballot measures or pending legislation relating to ORR’s services in those users’ areas. OOR performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of OOR’s legitimate interests in informing users about OOR services and features or those offered by OOR partners, or on the basis of user consent.

VII. Non-marketing communications

OOR may use personal data to generate and provide users with receipts; inform them of changes to our terms, services, or policies; or send other communications that aren’t for the purpose of marketing the services or products of OOR or its partners.

VIII. Legal proceedings / requirements

We may use personal data to investigate or address claims or disputes relating to use of OOR’s services, to satisfy requirements under applicable laws, regulations, or operating licenses or agreements, or pursuant to legal process or governmental request, including from law enforcement.

OOR performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of OOR’s legitimate interests in investigating and responding to claims and disputes relating to use of OOR’s services and features, and/or necessary for compliance with applicable legal requirements.

IX. Automated decision-making

We use personal data to make automated decisions relating to use of our services.
This includes:
1.enabling dynamic pricing, in which the price of a ride is determined based on constantly varying factors such as the estimated time and distance, the predicted route, estimated traffic, and the number of riders and drivers using OOR at a given moment.

2.matching available drivers and delivery persons to users requesting services. Users can be matched based on availability, proximity, and other factors such as likelihood to accept a trip based on their past behavior or preferences.

3.flagging users who are identified as having engaged in fraud, unsafe activity, or other activities that may harm OOR, its users, and others. In some cases, such as when a user is determined to be abusing OOR’s referral program or has submitted fraudulent documents, such behavior may result in automatic deactivation

4.using driver location information, and communications between riders and drivers, to identify cancellation fees earned or induced through fraud. For example, if we determine by using such information that a driver is delaying a rider pickup in order to induce a cancellation, we will not charge the rider a cancellation fee and will adjust the amounts paid to the driver to omit such a fee. To object to such an adjustment, please contact OOR customer support.

5.Using driver data (such as location, rating and gender) and rider data (such as rating, origin and destination) to help avoid pairings of users that may result in increased risk of conflict.

6.OOR performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to full fill our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or other agreements with users, or on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of the legitimate interests of OOR in developing new services and features, its users and others.


Our online and mobile Services may include social media features, such as the Facebook Like button, and widgets such as a “Share This” button, or interactive mini- programs that run on our online and mobile Services. These features may collect your IP address, photograph, which page you are visiting on our online or mobile Services, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our online Services. Your interactions with these features and widgets are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing them.


This Privacy Policy shall not cover the usage of any information about you which is obtained by the driver or the company to which the driver belongs, while providing you a ride on a cab booked using the Services, or otherwise, which is not provided by us.


You are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the information you submit to us, such as your contact information provided as part of account registration. If your Protected Information changes, or if you no longer desire our Services, you may correct, delete inaccuracies, or amend information by making the change on our member information page or by contacting us through email address mentioned on our website or Mobile Application. We will make good faith efforts to make requested changes in our then active databases as soon as reasonably practicable.

You may also cancel or modify your communications that you have elected to receive from the Services by following the instructions contained within an e-mail or by logging into your user account and changing your communication preferences.

If upon modifying or changing the information earlier provided to Us, we find it difficult to permit access to our Services to you due to insufficiency/ inaccuracy of the information, we may, in our sole discretion terminate your access to the Services by providing you a written notice to this effect on your registered email id.

If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services, contact us through email address mentioned on the trip bill received. We will retain your Protected Information and Usage Information (including geo-location) for as long as your account with the Services is active and as needed
to provide you services.

Even after your account is terminated, we will retain your Protected Information and Usage Information (including geo-location, trip history, and transaction history) as needed to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, resolve disputes, conclude any activities related to cancellation of an account, investigate or prevent fraud and other inappropriate activity, to enforce our agreements, and for other business reason. After a period of time, your data may be anonymized and aggregated, and then may be held by us as long as necessary for us to provide our Services effectively, but our use of the anonymized data will be solely for analytic purposes.

Following an account deletion request, OOR deletes the user’s account and data, unless they must be retained due to legal or regulatory requirements, for purposes of safety, security, and fraud prevention, or because of an issue relating to the user’s account such as an outstanding credit or an unresolved claim or dispute. Because we are subject to legal and regulatory requirements relating to drivers and delivery persons, this generally means that we retain their account and data for a minimum of 7 years after a deletion request. For riders and delivery recipients, their data is generally deleted within 90 days of a deletion request, except where retention is necessary for the above reasons.


The Protected Information and Usage Information we collect is securely stored within our databases, and we use standard, industry-wide, commercially reasonable security practices such as encryption, firewalls and SSL (Secure Socket Layers) for protecting your information. However, as effective as encryption technology is, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our databases, nor can we guarantee that information you supply won be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet or wireless communication, and any information you transmit to the Company you do at your own risk. We recommend that you not disclose your password to anyone.


OOR encourages customers / partners / driver agents to reach out the respective customer care executive or support centre by phone, email via the contact page available in the app or website.


We may occasionally update this notice. If we make significant changes, we will notify users in advance of the changes through the OOR apps or through other means, such as email. We encourage users to periodically review this notice for the latest information on our privacy practices.