OOR Cabs

Quotes that drive OOR on its way

RATAN TATA_1640161951596-modified (1)

Some entrepreneurs talk of a high burn rate, high advertising rate, and so on, with no outcome, so it doesn't impress me. But an entrepreneur who has that kind of a feeling of responsibility towards his investors is somebody who will have all my support.

Ratan Tata
Indian Industrialist
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It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.

Albert Einstein
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It's not a faith in technology. It's faith in people.

Steve Jobs
Co-founder of Apple.
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Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.

Christian Lous Lange
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Technology is best when it brings people together.

Matt Mullenweg
Co-Founder WordPress
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Our business is about technology, yes. But it’s also about operations and customer relationships.

Michael Dell
Founder of Dell Technologies
Maria issac

Technology drives new innovation and creativity. The outfit of creativity defines the skill of creator while the result is soul of the creator.

Maria Issac
Founder of Oorcabs

The market will evolve into two segments: cars that provide ease of access to transport and are shared by many people, and cars that are exclusive, high-end symbols of the owner's status and aspirations.

Anand Mahindra
Chairperson of Mahindra

What I would like to do is to leave behind a sustainable entity of a set of companies that operate in an exemplary manner in terms of ethics, values and continue what our ancestors left behind.

Ratan Tata
Indian Industrialist

Quotes that drive OOR on its way

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Our business is about technology, yes. But it’s also about operations and customer relationships.

Michael Dell
Founder of Dell Technologies
Anand_Mahindra-1__2__1200x768-modified (1) (1)

Sustainability is a part of our 'rise' philosophy. You cannot rise if you take more from the community than you put back.

Anand Mahindra
Chairperson of Mahindra
RATAN TATA_1640161951596-modified (1)

Some entrepreneurs talk of a high burn rate, high advertising rate, and so on, with no outcome, so it doesn't impress me. But an entrepreneur who has that kind of a feeling of responsibility towards his investors is somebody who will have all my support.

Ratan Tata
Indian Industrialist

OOR Cabs for customers


See all cabs around you

OOR is a market place for cabs. Customer has the right to see the list of cabs available. Technology assist the customer to see the varieties before making the choice to ride on.

You choose your cab

Choices make life so convenient. You are not forced to ride on what is sent. Instead, you can choose what is convenient for you and start your ride.

Controlled fare system

OOR does not promote a system that turn to be an opportunist. To achieve this, fare controll system is implemented in OOR platform.

OOR Cabs for drivers


Take more money

OOR offers technology enabled platform to enable a cab to do business. Neither it offers incentives initially or squeeze you later. The cab owner sets the price and make the money with a defined platform charge payable to OOR.

You receive your money

Customer pays the ride charge to dirver directly, nothing to OOR. This 'pay directly' method ensures instant reward to the drivers.

driver com

Driver Community

OOR understands the lifestyle of drivers which needs good recognition. The 'OOR Community' program helps the drivers to get recognised for what they do.