OOR Cabs

How do we differ from others ?

Decades back when someone needed a taxi ride, they either used to reach at the taxi stand or had to wait on the roads for any taxi to come by the way. In telephone era, a phone call replaced the hardship of walking to the stand or waiting on the roads. The internet era has changed the entire dynamics of taxi booking. In fact, it has changed the life, in such a way that taxi booking applications are must to have for any traveller. The corporates that came into this business with lots of money power aggregated both demand and supply nicely. After aggregation, the platform charges were increased that affected both customers and drivers. OOR sensed the dissatisfaction found at both the sides as an opportunity. Bringing taxi to market place seemed to be the need of the hour and that is what OOR has brought with the help of technology.

Cabs around you

We list all cab around you

Customers’ need would differ time to time and it is fair to let the customers to choose their cab at their convenience. At some point in time, a customer would prefer to choose the quickly arriving cab despite higher charges and at some other time, the same customer would prefer to wait for a taxi that may charge little lesser than other ones. On the comfortable side, Some one would prefer a newer cab and some other would prefer a particular brand vehicle to travel.  OOR cabs lists different available cabs near by customer’s location. 

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You can select your cab

Customers are given true market place  experience for taxi wherein they can see different lists of cabs available. Customers can choose the cab considering the fare, vehicle brand, estimated time to arrive, driver rating and present location. The choice of cab is made by the customers at their convenience. 

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Controlled fare system

The “controlled fare system” implemented by OOR make sure that the fare set by the cabs are within the defined boundary. The upper limit of the boundary safeguards the customers while the lower limit prevents the cab owners from loss. 

3 Easy steps to plan your ride

Provide the source and destination of your travel

Open OOR app and just enter the pickup and drop points of your travel. With the given input, OOR would respond you with the list of cabs available for your ride along with information like fare, type of cab, time to arrive at your pickup location, driver rating and the current location of the cab.

Choose the cab you wish to travel

Unlike other ride hailing platforms, OOR lets yourself to choose the exact cab that you wish to travel. Choose your cab based on need at your convenience. You can compare the cabs on factors like fare, cab type, driver rating, age of the cab, time taken to reach at your pickup point and the current location of the cab.

Need more options?

Do not worry if you do not find the right cab. Instead, wait for a few seconds for another set of cabs to get listed for you. Each time when OOR lists the cabs for you, it would try to bring different set of cabs. You can wait for a moment before you make the choice of your cab. When you find the right one, select the same and click on RIDE to start your journey.


What you ask that you get

The first most common problem for any customer is getting the cab at a single request. Customers get annoyed when the driver asks for more money over and above the estimated amount shown in their app. When there is an intermediator between customer and driver to fix the fare, the fare would be based on the mission of the intermediator. The fare fixed by the middle man to pull more customers might not be profitable for the drivers. In OOR platform, a customer selects a cab by knowing the fare that has been fixed by the respective driver and hence there is no need for the driver to negotiate the fare again with the customer.

Pay directly to driver not to the platform

The second most common question that any driver would ask at customers would be “What would be the mode of payment?”. Again, customers feel annoyed of this question, but sometime they fail to understand that paying to the platform instead of the driver directly may impact the daily expenses of the drivers. OOR removes this inconvenience by letting the customer to pay directly to the drivers in case of cash and to the driver’s account in case of online payment.

Timely arrival of cabs

Does a customer get the cab right at the estimated time shown in the app? Majority ofcustomers would say ‘No’. This is because the ride hailing firms would try to send a randomcab, which may take more time to reach at the customer. But OOR lets the customers to pick the cab that they wish to ride on, they know the exact location of the cab and estimated time to arrive at the boarding point. Unless there is no change in traffic conditions on its way, the cab arrives at the customer’s boarding point well within the estimated time.