OOR Cabs

Why Us

OOR network

Our customer network

Customers need good service. Though they enjoy offers and deals they hate unfair price, especially when they realize that they are being looted. The word “reliability” would remind a few brands to the customers among multiple brands. We at OOR, understand  customer’s need would differ time to time and it is fair to let the customers to choose their cab at their convenience. 

In OOR platform, customers can choose their cab based on fare, the cab type, model, driver rating, time taken to reach them and the present location of the cab. This approach has been the key in building good relationship between OOR and its customers.

Our driver network

Technology should assist everybody including drivers. When a merchant can fixe the price for his product why cannot a driver fix the fare for the rides that he offers? This question created the space for OOR and now OOR lets a driver to set the tariff for his rides. The power of technology ensures right rewards for the drivers by removing the middle man who use to take larger benefit by fixing the fare for the rides.

Beyond just business, “OOR community program” builds solid connection between OOR and drivers and ensures a progressive change in their life.

OOR Founder

Maria Issac

Maria Issac is the founder and managing director of OOR Cabs. After witnessing the changes in taxi market across the world in last 15 years, Maria decided to bring taxies to the market place to facilitate fair trade between drivers and riders. Prior to launching OOR, Maria worked as the Chief Technology officer of Fast Track Call Taxi, for a short while. After his master degree in computer applications from St Josephs College -Trichy, Maria established himself as a technology specialist, working for Citibank, Bank of New York Mellon, BNP Paribas and Midwich (UK). On entrepreneurial side, Maria is the founder of TRY JOBS, a successful job portal for blue collar job market.